treat cancer

美 [triːt ˈkænsər]英 [triːt ˈkænsə(r)]
  • 治疗癌症
treat cancertreat cancer
  1. Hyperthermia is a new kind of method to treat cancer .


  2. Chemotherapy , one of the most effective ways used to treat cancer today ,


  3. A new study demonstrates what researchers say is the first successful use of genetic engineering to treat cancer .


  4. Working with doctors , Earp-Thomas used his product to successfully treat cancer patients .


  5. Others become oncologists and treat cancer patients .


  6. These electrical stimulate methods change the living environment of malignancy tissue to help or direct treat cancer .


  7. " This would be a way to treat cancer without side effects ," Levy said in a statement .


  8. A drug used to treat cancer can stop contractions and may prevent premature labour , researchers say .


  9. There are many techniques for cancer therapy , and fentanyl is a common used analgesic to treat cancer pain .


  10. Finding new ways to detect and treat cancer at an early stage is vital to help more people survive the disease .


  11. One in five men who undergoes prostate surgery to treat cancer later regrets the decision , a new study shows .


  12. With the development of modern molecular biology and cellular biology , targeted medicine came into being which can treat cancer .


  13. Because of the limitations of surgery , chemotherapy and radiotherapy , a new method to treat cancer is urgently needed .


  14. Inhibit tumor metastasis to treat cancer can be taken into the consideration of , will become a new way to treat cancer .


  15. Objective : A new operative procedure to treat cancer of gastric cardia was designed in order to prevent anastomotic complications .


  16. Conclusion It is an effective and safe method to treat cancer pain by implanted drug therapy pump with patient-controlled analgesia system .


  17. The scientists who discovered microRNAs were not trying to prevent AIDS , grow stem cells or treat cancer .


  18. An antineoplastic drug ( trade name Oncovin ) that is used to treat cancer of the lymphatic system .


  19. An antineoplastic antibiotic drug ( trade name Mithracin ) used to treat cancer of the testes .


  20. On the other hand , modern day medicine has evolved such that people can rely on the latest drugs or devices to treat cancer .


  21. Objective We used traditional Chinese medicine combined with chemical drugs to treat cancer of lung , so as to increase the remission rate of the lung cancer .


  22. So , the discovery of endostatin to make the hypothesis of the Folkman is possible and to provide a new way to treat cancer .


  23. Researchers said more work needs to be done to determine how these drugs inhibit the protein and slow tumor growth before they can be used to treat cancer .


  24. That property , the scientists realized , makes quantum dots an ideal mediator in therapies employing light-activated compounds to treat cancer .


  25. Our study may imply that curcumin can treat cancer by inhibiting the expression of P300 , which may be one of its molecular mechanism of anticancer .


  26. In recent years , the idea that various nanoparticles may induce autophagy in cancer cells has attracted increasing attention as it could be a useful new approach to treat cancer .


  27. The quest for new ways to treat cancer has previously led to painkillers and morning-sickness treatments being enlisted to fight the disease .


  28. Much of that fortune , valued at $ 11.9 billion by Forbes , came from selling generic drugs and from developing one new type of drug to treat cancer .


  29. Burgh is one of a growing number of patients who have been dosing themselves with a simple laboratory chemical that has never before been used to treat cancer in people .


  30. A new physical approach to treat cancer by Nao Taiji bionic instrument : repeated experiment on nursing and curing hepatoma mice by activating inhibitory transmitter in brain
